The superfinal of the interregional competition “The Best by profession-2022” among the employees of the coal industry of the enterprises of “Russian Coal” and “Kuzbass Fuel Company” was attended by more than 20 representatives of various media of the Kemerovo region.
Sibdepo: Miners who can do everything: how was the first Interregional competition of professional skills held in Kuzbass. READ THE REPORT
Komsomolskaya Pravda: The Russian Coal Company held an interregional competition of professional skills among miners of Siberia and the Far East READ THE REPORT
“Arguments and Facts”: At home, the walls help. Kuzbass hosted the interregional professional skills competition READ THE REPORT
Newspaper “Kuzbass”: The mastery of Russian coal READ THE REPORT
Newspaper “Gorodok”, Kiselevsk: Time of the best READ THE REPORT