Improvement of labor conditions of miners and increase of control over production discipline are priority objects for all the JSC “Russian Coal” enterprises. Our company strives to totally exclude accidents and personal injuries. Production control service is established and operating at each our enterprise and monitors observance of the production safety standards preventing both emergency situations and potentially hazardous actions of the personnel.
Personal protective equipment, instruments for measurement of gas and coal dust content, firefighting systems, as well as other equipment vital for the coal-mining enterprises are being updated on the regular basis to improve industrial safety level of our employees.
Apart from this, the production process is also being regularly updated. New equipment arriving underground and to the coal mines features not only better performance but better safety as well.
Special attention is paid to the employees’ safety and health care. Regular medical examination facilitates early diagnostics of professional diseases, which allows to prevent or to cure them at an initial stage. All workers are subjected to regular medical, prophylactic, and sanitation measures and are provided with resort therapy.