Specialists of the South Siberian branch of the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted an excursion for workers of the Kirbinsky section and their family members and presented the artifacts found. Field work at the Kirbinsky section of the Russian Coal Company is carried out as part of planned archaeological excavations for the preservation and study of cultural heritage sites.
For the first time, the company’s employees and their family members became guests of field archaeological work on the territory of the Kirbinsky section. At the invitation of scientists, about 50 people visited the archaeological site, where they saw the direct work of archaeologists, and visited the archaeological camp. In addition, the young guests were even able to try on the role of an archaeologist for themselves and try to clean up the bones found.
The most spectacular part of the tour was a visit to the local “museum”, where the artifacts found were presented. The field exhibition includes various ceramic vessels, bronze rings and bracelets, bone products and much more.
Of particular importance to science, according to experts, is the unexpected discovery of a burial ground of the Late Bronze Age. It was absolutely not noticeable on the surface and was revealed under later mounds and a settlement of the Scythian time. According to Igor Lazaretov, director of the South Siberian branch of the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, this is one of the largest burial grounds of this time on the territory of Khakassia and can number up to 300 burials.
“Since the burial ground was invisible on the surface, it was spared by ancient robbers, many graves contain undisturbed burial equipment – ceramic vessels and bronze products. The main part of the burial ground is planned to be explored next year, and we are already looking forward to new sensations!” the scientist added.
Archaeological excavations on the territory of the Kirbinsky section have been conducted for several years. Archaeologists are gradually exploring the identified objects of archaeological heritage – “Kirba-Stolbovoe-1 parking lot”, “Kirba-Stolbovoe-2 settlement” and “Kirba-Stolbovoe-3 Burial mound”. All the valuable artifacts found, after the restoration work, will be transferred for permanent storage to the Khakass National Museum of Local Lore.